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Azərbaycan Pulsuz çatdırılma
Ball Stretcher With Stainless steel Spikes SinnerYou‘ll be the envy of every malestockroom when you‘re wearing this delightfully sinful Spiked Ball Stretch. Not only will this stretch the sack like any normal ball stretcher, but it has the complete added bonus of being able to inflict testicular pain on its victim simply by tightening the screws. There are six screws at your disposal and you can use any combination that you like. Three screws, one screw , or the entire six. Attach the stretcher, tighten the screws and your off and runnig.It is recommended that you shave your balls for CBT toys like this - especially with steel. There is nothing like the sensation of feeling steel slowly warm up against your completely bare skin. Further, you don‘t want or need your hairs getting caught and you‘ll find increased sensitivity as a result of being clean shaven.Size: Inner diameter of 38mm Weight: 220g(7.8oz)This will go great with some Ball Stretchers or if you‘re feeling exceptionally game - why not try our range or electra stim toys.This product is certified 100% Non-Magnate and medical-grade steel. Beware of cheaper products that are not solid surgical steel but chromed steel or poor quality surgical steel that contains Magnate. Magnate is the ingredient that makes steel rust. We will only include this endorsement on our 100% surgical steel products.
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